Created for A Basic Analog Photography Class Fall 2019
a 35mm black & white film series by Kathryn Baylor
Artist Statement
Emptiness, to me, is the absence of something; something that should be there but isn’t. Ever since my maternal grandmother died early in 2015, Thanksgiving has been an empty holiday for me because that side of my family doesn’t get together during that time anymore. Over Thanksgiving break, as I was thinking about what I wanted my theme for my final portfolio to be, the word emptiness kept coming to mind.
So, how do you capture emptiness in an image? That is the question I hope I’ve at least somewhat answered in these images. I wanted not only to try to create a feeling of emptiness when you looked at the image but also convey what humans do to combat the feeling of emptiness. After all, we’ve all felt empty at some point in our lives. Some people might just accept the emptiness is there and move on. Others may turn to alcohol or some other habit. Some try to fill their emptiness up with social media or by covering up how they really feel with how they dress or act. So, how do you capture emptiness in an image?